Vegetarian rouladen recipe: 59 photos

Cheesy zucchini, spinach and roasted pepper roulade


The meat is usually a very thinly cut beef that has been rolled around a filling, seared, and simmered for a long time in a gravy. In French it is referred to as a Roulade which is also the German name for a singular roll. We call them Rouladen, like the German plural, as we never make just one.
Top round. Top round is perfect for this. It's not the toughest piece of meat, but it has some collagen that will enrich our sauce and lend tenderness to the finished meat roll. You can often find top round thinly sliced and sometimes sold as “beef roulade meat,” but if not, ask your butcher to slice it for you, about 1/8″ thick.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(K3PIZsO3H4m-0PEPxJea4AQ__95,
A roulade (/ruːˈlɑːd/) is a dish of filled rolled meat or pastry. Roulade can be savory or sweet. Swiss roll is an example of a sweet roulade. Traditionally found in various European cuisines, the term roulade originates from the French word rouler, meaning to roll.
Region: all over Germany, apparently French origins.. As so often in German cooking, Rouladen are a simple dish. Combined with sides like dumplings and cabbage they make up a true Germany classic.
Rouladen is the German version of the French roulade, which is a roll made with thinly-sliced meat.
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