Cedar plank salmon recipe grill: 60 photos

Cedar Planked Grilling | Weber Grills

I love to grill fish on the grill. For anyone just starting to think about grilling seafood, look no further than planked salmon....

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Place the plank on the grill rack and allow it to preheat for about 5 minutes or until it begins to crackle and smoke. Lay the salmon onto the plank and cover. Grill salmon on the cedar plank for 12 to 20 minutes, depending on its thickness.
Place one salmon portion on each cedar plank, skin side down, then place the plank in the grill. Cook with the lid closed to allow the smoke to flavor the salmon. Cook until the salmon flakes easily with a fork, or the internal temperature reaches 145°F, approximately 10 minutes or less for a 1” salmon.
If you're planning to use your cedar plank on a grill, soak for 1-2 hours in any temperature water. It's important to soak through so that the wood doesn't catch fire when it comes into contact with open flame. If you're planning to bake with your plank, soak your plank for 15 minutes in hot water.
As the fish cooks and the plank heats up, this moisture rises out of the plank and pulls the characteristic flavors of Cedar with it. This essentially infuses the salmon with a fresh wood flavor and allows the fish to gently steam as the plank acts as a barrier between it and the heat source.
Another benefit of planking is that it infuses steam, so food stays moist as well as tasty. Barbecuing with cedar planks is not only a delicious summer treat, it's also a healthy way to cook vegetables without using a lot of oil.
Posted in category Cooking Videos

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