Cbd salve recipe: 60 photos
Homemade CBD Salve that Really Works - Strategic Living
Homemade CBD Salve Recipe
How to Make Cannabis Salves - Maine Organic Farmers
In a double boiler, combine the wax with the carrier oil, and gently allow to melt over medium heat. Once melted, remove the mixture from the heat and gradually add the CBD oil and essential oils to the mixture. Stir until well combined.
Mix Salve Ingredients. In either a pot or double-boiler, add ⅓ cup of beeswax. Heat until it is completely melted. Now turn down the heat to low. Next, stir in 1.5 cups of strained cannabis coconut oil and ⅓ cup olive oil, along with optional vitamin E plus a few drops of optional essential oils as well.
Coconut oil is one of the best carrier oils for CBD because it has high solubility and bioavailability; aka it dissolves quickly and is absorbed easily.
Applying CBD topically may provide potential therapeutic relief for people with inflammation and pain, according to a study in Molecules. “Applying topical CBD for inflammation may be effective for localized pain and inflammation, as it can be absorbed directly into the affected area,” says Dr. Malik.
The key difference between CBD balm, cream or a salve, is that creams are made with water, while the latter two contain little to none. Creams are sometimes preferred over oils, gels or ointments, due to their smooth texture and ease of application.