Cauliflower steak recipe with sauce: 59 photos

Cauliflower Steaks with Romesco Sauce and Lentils


Using a sharp chef knife, cut the stem away from the cauliflower. Place the cauliflower stem side down on the cutting board and carefully make one cut through the center of the cauliflower to divide it in half. Cut each half into slices, about 3/4-inch thick.
Anchovy, beef, blue cheese, buffalo mozzarella, butter, cheddar cheese, chickpeas, curry, farro, feta cheese, gruyère cheese, parmesan cheese, pork, quinoa, rice, saffron, tahini, tofu, turkey, turmeric, yoghurt.
They're called cauliflower steaks because the shape and general appearance are rather, well, steak-like. The name is also an indicator of which cooking methods to try—any way you might cook a steak can be used for cauliflower steaks, too.
If freezing, blanch the steaks first. This involves briefly boiling then immediately cooling the steaks before freezing. This helps to maintain flavor and texture. If buying in bulk, consider freezing to extend the shelf life.
Steaming and microwaving cauliflower will better preserve its vitamin content, especially the B vitamins, than if it is boiled. To microwave: Put 2 cups of florets in a shallow microwavable dish, or cover a whole head of cauliflower with plastic wrap.
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