Canned yellow tomatoes recipes: 59 photos
The two types can be mixed. Do follow the same directions for canning low-acid or yellow tomatoes as are recommended for regular tomatoes. Although low-acid tomatoes don't taste as sour, their acidity is masked by the natural sweetness of the variety; no changes are needed in the recipe for safety.
Raw Yellow tomatoes are excellent for slicing onto sandwiches or chopping into salads. They can be used in place of red tomatoes in any given recipe, hot or cold, and they can also be processed and cooked to make a unique and tasty yellow ketchup, paste, or tomato jam. They can even be pureed and made into soups.
Yellow tomatoes have more niacin and folate; red tomatoes have more vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid, and so on. But there is one significant nutrient, reported in some studies to be a powerful antioxidant that may help prevent cancer, that is found in red tomatoes but not in others: lycopene.
Yellow cherry tomatoes are great for eating fresh but can also be easily dried and preserved. Larger tomatoes add colour to salads and sandwiches, but they also are excellent in sauces and soups.
Do not can damaged tomatoes or those from dead or frost-killed vines. These tomatoes may have harmful pathogens. The canning process time may not be enough to kill disease organisms. This could lead to a product that spoils and is unsafe to eat.