Bread machine recipes with oat flour: 59 photos

Bread Machine Oatmeal Bread


Quaker Oat Flour is a versatile baking ingredient straight from the oat experts. Quaker Oat Flour can be substituted for wheat flour at a 1:1 ratio by weight. However, most home bakers use volume instead of weight to measure ingredients.
Oat flour is useful even for traditional baking. Try using it for kneading whole-wheat bread. It keeps the dough from sticking but, unlike regular flour, won't toughen the dough if you incorporate too much.
This can make getting the right ratio of solids to liquids tricky. Oat flour does not rise as much as wheat flour because it is gluten-free, but there are ways you can get around this by increasing the yeast or using another additive.
You can substitute oat flour for up to about a quarter of the flour in a bread recipe, also slightly increasing the amount of yeast in the recipe to help the bread rise. Oat flour is best used in baked goods that don't need gluten to rise, such as quick breads and cookies.
When making recipes that require baking powder, add 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder per cup of oat flour. If you are using buttermilk in your recipe, add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda for each cup of buttermilk or any acid. This will neutralize the acid in the recipe and allow the baking powder to work more effectively.

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