Best fry bread recipe: 59 photos

Fry Bread


Don't over-knead—Be careful not to knead the dough too much because the bread will be hard and tough.
This article is about the Indian frybread that has evolved from the 1864 Navajo 'Long Walk' as explained below. Indian frybread is usually made with a few simple ingredients – wheat (white) flour, salt, fat (lard), and water.
Try avocado oil, peanut oil, sunflower seed oil, or ghee, which makes a delightful toast that I could eat topped with leftover saag every single day. If you've only got olive oil to work with, consider doctoring the flavor slightly by adding something extra before crisping your bread.
According to the book, Rip (Cole Hauser) made fry bread for Beth Dutton (Kelly Reilly) after their first night together. It's a staple in many Native American households.
Add a small knob of butter, a splash of flavorful vegetable oil or, more traditionally, bacon drippings or lard. Heat the oil. Turn the stove on medium-high until the oil shimmers and gives off heat. A hot pan will keep the bread crisp, instead of weighed down by soggy grease.

The Best Fry Bread

Making the best fry bread with Naomi Good Shield/Lakota/Rosebud Property of Sinte Gleska University/Rosebud Sioux...

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