Best deer roast recipe: 60 photos

Best Crock Pot Deer Roast Ever

Its the only way to cook deer roast!...

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Youtube - @Preachers Day Off


General tips:
  1. Don't overcook or cook at temperatures above 375 F. The short fibers in wild game meat will get tough.
  2. Serve game meat very hot or very cold. Lukewarm game fat has a very greasy taste.
  3. Baste very lean cuts with additional fat to improve flavor. Covering roast with bacon strips will provide self-basting.
Place Roast in a shallow pan and cover with the milk. Soak over night at least 8 hours. This process removes the blood which causes the roast to have that wild unwanted flavor. Rinse off the milk and rinse out the pan, next place the roast back in the clean shallow pan and add the Italian dressing.
Aging the Deer Meat. Many people forget what may be the most important step in creating succulent, tender deer meat: aging. Aging the deer helps develop the final tender texture of venison. If you are using a processor, this step will be done for you.
Roasts. The roast is the upper portion of the rump, although a roast can be cut into steaks or even ground, if you wish. Discreet tissue lines separate bands of muscles on the hind quarters, and any sizeable chunk of red meat you harvest from the hind quarters will make an excellent roast.
Marinate your backstrap meat in a good quality olive oil with fresh garlic, coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper for 24 hours. Then, place the meat over screaming hot, real-wood coals and cook it rare to medium-rare. β€œIt's so good, so simple and still tastes like venison,” he said.
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