Best cold resistance recipe botw: 59 photos

How to Make the Best Recipes - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  Guide - IGN


One of the best cold-resisting recipes that players can cook in Tears of the Kingdom is the Spicy Mushroom Skewer . Players will need to gather up to five Sunshrooms for this recipe.
Best recipes for cold resistance. You'll need cold resistance early on in Breath of the Wild and all these ingredients are fairly common. Ingredients: Hylian Shroom (x3), Spicy Pepper (x2). Effect: Restores 5 hearts and gives cold resistance for 6 mins, 30 secs. Ingredients: Hyrule Bass, Spicy Pepper.
There are several options to choose from, including everything from individual pieces to full three-piece armor sets.
  • 6 Zant's Helmet. ...
  • 5 Vah Medoh Divine Helm. ...
  • 4 Ruby Circlet. ...
  • 3 Archaic Warm Greaves. ...
  • 2 Snowquill Armor Set. ...
  • 1 Frostbite Armor Set.
If you want to make cold-resistant food, add spicy peppers to a dish. You can also combine certain insects with monster parts to make cold-resistant elixirs. The warm darner is a good pick here.
Cold resistance recipes in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
  1. Simmered Fruit: Spicy Pepper, Apple, Skyshroom (3:30 minutes of resistance)
  2. Pepper Steak: Spicy Pepper, Acorn, Meat (3:50 minutes of resistance, without Acorn 3 minutes)
  3. Sauteed Peppers: Spicy Pepper (2:30 minutes of resistance)
Posted in category Cooking Videos

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