Berry oat crumble recipe: 59 photos
A pastry chef friend shared the technique. Instead of sprinkling the raw crumbs on top of the fruit, where they absorb the juices and turn a little mushy on their undersides, he spread them out in a pan and baked them separately, until crisp and cookielike.
Wild Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries.
Readers' tips for making the perfect crumble. Mark Bowerman says: Rub the butter in fairly quickly, and not too perfectly – a fine, dusty texture at this stage spoils the fun. Use a shallowish dish if you've got a wet fruit mixture, otherwise the crumble will start to dissolve before it's baked.
Why is my berry crisp watery? If the berries you used are particularly juicy, you might end up with a watery-looking filling to your blueberry crisp. If you notice the berries are very juicy when you prep them, add another teaspoon of cornstarch to the filling to thicken the juices as the crisp bakes.
Not enough butter, and your topping will be a dry, floury mess. Too much butter and your topping will become a greasy blob or disappointingly soggy. Some recipes will ask you to cut in cold butter along with your dry ingredients, resulting in pea-size pieces that are sprinkled across the hot fruit filling.