Ben's original ready rice recipes: 59 photos

Bens Original Ready Rice


Cook instant rice in broth. Up the flavor of your pot of instant rice by swapping out water for full-flavored broth. Use bone broth or stock in the same proportion, or quickly mix some miso with water for a nice umami-base that will infuse your instant rice. Bouillon works too!
Instructions: Combine rice and water in the dish and stir. Add butter and salt if desired. Microwave uncovered on high power for 10–12 minutes.
Ben's Original™ Ready Rice™. Our delicious flavored rice varieties are the ultimate in convenience. That's because they're precooked, so you just have to heat them up and serve them with your favorite recipe or rice meal. Since they're microwavable, they're ready in just 90 seconds.
2020. Recognizing the inequities that were associated with the name and face of our brand, we changed our name to BEN'S ORIGINAL™ to signal our ambition to create a more inclusive future while maintaining our commitment to producing the world's best rice.
Dress It Up!
  1. Finish the cooked rice by stirring in a pat of butter or a handful of your favorite chopped fresh herbs.
  2. Use chicken or vegetable stock instead of water. If the stock is on the salty side, omit the salt.
  3. For quick cilantro lime rice, add a little lime zest, fresh lime juice, and a drizzle of olive oil.

Uncle Bens Ready Rice Review

Reviewing Uncle Bens Ready rice straight from the microwavable pouch. Uncle Bens Ready Rice -

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