Beltane recipe: 59 photos

25 Traditional Beltane Recipes - Insanely Good


At Beltane, it's traditional to have a feast with foods that represent the fertility of the earth. Some examples include strawberries, cherries, and other fruits, as well as honey cakes, bread, and cheese. Strawberries: Associated with love and passion.
Mead is a traditional libation for Beltane celebrations, but there are many other great choices you can use to make your own Beltane feast truly magical. Perhaps try a glass of May Wine, a sweet wine infused with herbs and fruit, or some spiced milk, another delicious drink.
Goats and cows are associated with Beltane, making good choices for the meat course. Bring out your barbecue grill for beef ribs or steaks. Goat meat, called chevon, works well in stews and curries. Maybowl or May Wine is a flavored beverage customarily made for Beltane.
Beltane also known as May day is a pagan ritual celebrating the height of spring. A cross quarter day celebrating the halfway mark between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Bonfires have been a part of beltane rituals for generations, dancing around fire and rejoicing in the wonders of the season.
Brightly colored radishes, spring peas, asparagus, sweet local strawberries, fresh spring herbs, and alliums are all plentiful This is the time to inhale, take in all the beauty, and celebrate the bountiful harvest, remembering that many of these spring ingredients appear for only a short precious time.
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