Bell pepper snack recipes: 60 photos

Herb Cream Cheese Filled Sweet Peppers

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Youtube - @Cooking With Jack Show


Sliced raw with yogurt dip, guacamole, or hummus for a healthy snack.
For this reason, eating raw bell peppers alongside iron-rich foods — such as meat or spinach — may help increase your body's iron stores, cutting your risk of anemia. Like other fruits and vegetables, bell peppers may have many health benefits. These include improved eye health and reduced risk of anemia.
How to Use Up Your Extra Peppers
  1. Roasted Pepper & Butternut Squash Soup.
  2. Roasted Red Pepper Soup.
  3. Bell Pepper Chicken & Dill Soup.
  4. Turkey Stuffed Bell Peppers.
  5. Long Sweet Pepper Boats.
  6. Bell Peppers Stuffed with Tomato Couscous.
  7. Mini Sweet Pepper & Orange Cranberry Muffins.
  8. Bell Pepper Cornbread.
With a large knife, cop off the top (stem) and bottom (tip) of your pepper. With a paring knife, gently cut around the inside wall of your pepper to detach the seeds and discard them. Place your pepper on its side and use a large knife to chop the pepper into thin rings.
Is it OK to eat bell peppers every day? It's OK to eat bell peppers every day, but some people may need to limit their intake to one per day. Consuming too many bell peppers may cause gas and bloating in some, due to their high fiber content.
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