Beef ribs recipe air fryer: 59 photos
BBQ air fryer beef ribs
Brush the ribs with mustard and sprinkle with barbecue spice. Cut the rack of ribs in half so that they can fit in the air fryer. Place the ribs in the air fryer bone-side up cook at 380°F for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, pull the basket out of the air fryer and brush the ribs all over with barbecue sauce.
When smoked at 275°F (135°C), beef ribs become tender and well-rendered in record time. You can put them on after breakfast and eat them for a late lunch. Of course, the 3-hour time is a rough guide: the ribs will be done when they have cooked sufficiently and the collagen in them has dissolved enough.
Beef ribs are usually cooked for a longer period of time than pork ribs, so they tend to have a more tender texture. The added fat and connective tissue helps give beef short ribs the perfect texture and makes them juicy.
Baby Back Ribs have a lot of loin meat on them. There are therefore best cooked more quickly and to that lower internal temperature which is best for loin. The air fryer is perfect for this. You can cook them at 325°F in there and they cook through in a short time without drying out.