Bee candy recipe: 60 photos

Feeding Bees in Winter - Making Candy Boards

Today I make candy boards impregnated with pollen substitute for supplemental feeding bees in the winter months: Recipe for a...

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Youtube - @Northern Exposure


All you really need to make bee candy are sugar and water. The other ingredients alter the basic formula in some way, but they aren't really necessary—especially for the bees. Take lollipops, for example. A lollipop is just sugar candy with color and flavor added, and when it starts to get hard, you insert a stick.
Pour sugar into a very large container and gradually add about half the water, stirring to wet the sugar well. Continue adding and mixing water until all the sugar is cakey, but not runny. Put newspaper or waxed paper under your candy board, and fill with sugar. Screen the sugar off level with the top of the board.
Dissolve 1/2 cup of granulated sugar in half a cup of hot water. Mix in a cup of pollen powder or substitute, and aim for a firm consistency. Then add a drop or two of a supplement (e.g., HoneyBee Healthy). Pour the mixture on wax paper and fold the paper over it.
White sugar. White sugar (sucrose) is the preferred sugar to feed to bees. Many other products have the potential to contain substances that could be deleterious to honey bee health. Sugar should not be fed to bee colonies when they have access to a natural nectar flow.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(H2LHZonbGcvdwPAPgfyOwQ4__88,
The DNA present in honey is derived from different sources (plants, virus, bacteria, microorganisms, and honey bees) that honey bees are in contact with during foraging activities for nectar collection and environmental exploration.
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