Bed crafting recipe: 60 photos
How to make a White Bed in Minecraft
How to Make a Bed in Minecraft | Quick & Easy
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To make a bed in Minecraft, you'll need three pieces of wool, and three planks. All three pieces of wool need to be the same color, which will also be the color of your bed. You can get wool by shearing sheep, and planks by putting logs on your crafting table.
- Start With a Bed Skirt. ...
- Add the Mattress Topper. ...
- Use a Mattress Protector. ...
- Put on the Fitted Sheet. ...
- Put on a Flat Sheet. ...
- Place the Comforter or Duvet. ...
- Add Pillows. ...
- Finish With Throw Blankets on Your Bed.
To make a white bed, place 3 wool and 3 wood planks in the 3x3 crafting grid. When crafting with wood planks, you can use any kind of wood planks, such as oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, bamboo, crimson, warped or cherry planks. In our example, we are using oak planks.
A red bed naturally generates in each igloo. Beds of various colors generate in village houses, depending on the specific structure and biome: Desert village houses have cyan, green, or lime beds. Plains village houses have white or yellow beds.