Bbq chicken and rice recipe: 59 photos
BBQ sauce is perfect for if you want to add a sweet, sour, smoky and spicy flavor to your rice dishes. Use it with a summer dish like this BBQ Grilled Beef Kabobs made with sirloin steak, veggies.
Chicken and rice are both easy to meal prep, nutritious, and better for you than fast food. The lean protein and fast-digesting carbs provide recovery with every bite. Slather it with sauce and seasonings and it can shift from orange chicken to chicken piccata.
Can you cook raw chicken and rice at the same time? Yes, you can! Make sure you use a ratio of 2:1 for water to rice and to cook the chicken and rice in a covered pot over medium/high heat until the liquid has been absorbed.
It's Nutritious. And because both are so nutrient-dense, meals from a chicken and rice meal prep session keep you satisfied longer, boost your energy and can aid in weight loss.
Eaten in small quantities, barbecue sauce is not too bad for you, but it has a high concentration of calories owing to its sugar content, which comes not only from sugar among the ingredients, but also from the tomatoes and sometimes from ingredients such as Coca cola.