Barley breakfast recipes: 59 photos

Breakfast Barley Porridge Recipe


What has twice the protein and almost half the calories as oats? Barley, and it's about time we started eating it for breakfast. Not only does barley have a wonderfully nutty flavor and a chewy, hearty texture, but it's also a nutritious, high-fiber grain that boasts an array of health benefits.
In fact, barley contains about three times as much fiber per serving as oats. Barley is particularly rich in a type of soluble fiber known as beta glucan, which is recognized for its cholesterol-lowering abilities. Barley is also a good or excellent source of several vitamins and minerals.
In this recipe, we have combined barley with nuts and seeds to give you a wholesome, nutritious breakfast. Quick and easy to make, it is great for weight watchers too. It also helps lower cholesterol and control blood sugar levels.
Barley is high in fiber, especially beta-glucan, which may reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It may also aid weight loss and improve digestion. Whole-grain, hulled barley is more nutritious than refined, pearled barley.
Eating 3.6 grams of barley daily as a source of dietary fiber seems to reduce the risk of heart disease. High cholesterol. Eating 3-12 grams of barley daily seems to reduce total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad) cholesterol in adults with high cholesterol.

Barley Porridge

Full recipe: This creamy barley porridge is a simple recipe for a healthy...

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