Banana boat recipe: 59 photos
Just fill a sliced banana (peel and all) with marshmallows, chocolate chips and Golden Grahams Cereal, wrap in tin foil and bake over the fire.
What is the Difference Between Banana Boat and a Banana Split? A banana boat does not have any ice cream in it and is cooked over campfire or on a grill. It does have many of the same flavors and joy that a banana split brings though!
Banana boat is a descriptive nickname that was given to fast ships, also called banana carriers, engaged in the banana trade. They were designed to transport easily spoiled bananas rapidly from tropical growing areas to North America and Europe. They often carried passengers as well as fruit.
Each passenger has a “handlebar” to hold on to in front of them, which must be grasped very tightly in order for them to stay on.
Banana Boat® was born at Florida's sunny Miami Beach in 1976, when a local lifeguard made it his mission to help sunscreen feel good for a change.