Ballotine of chicken recipe: 59 photos

Chicken Ballotine with Creamy Leek & Chestnut Stuffing


Chicken ballotine is a fancy and delicious meal that will impress! A whole chicken deboned and wrapped with a spinach, cheese and bread stuffing. A fancy French meal that is worth the time and effort! This classic French dish is a fun challenge to make, and so delicious that it is worth it!
Technique. Preheat oven to 180C. Transfer to a wire rack and roast for 60min (alternatively – roast on a bed of vegetables). Remove from oven when internal temperature reaches 60C and rest uncovered for 15min before carving.
A ballotine (from French balle, 'package') is traditionally a de-boned thigh and/or leg part of the chicken, duck or other poultry stuffed with forcemeat and other ingredients. It is tied to hold its shape and sometimes stitched up with a trussing needle. A ballotine is cooked by roasting, braising or poaching.
Ballotine comes from the French word, 'Balle,' which means a rolled-up bundle or package of goods and is traditionally the boned thigh part of the chicken or other poultry stuffed with forcemeat and other ingredients.
Meaning of ballotine in English. a dish of meat, often chicken or fish, that has had the bones removed and been rolled around a stuffing (= a soft mixture of food such as meat and herbs) and cooked: A traditional ballotine is a deboned leg of a chicken, duck or other poultry stuffed with forcemeat.

Fine Dining Made Easy: Step-by-Step Chicken Ballotine Recipe

I will show you how you can make a delicious fine-dining recipe with chicken ballotine, celeriac fondant, corn puree, spinach and...

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Youtube - @Chef Majk
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