Ball chili canning recipe: 60 photos

PREPPER PANTRY - OLD Ball Bluebook Chili Recipe – Pressure canning saves you $$$! #prepping #prepare

This chili recipe comes from a 2003 Ball Bluebook. The most recent versions dont have this, but its a classic and so delicious!...

Views: 20722
Youtube - @Old Time Knowledge


Because chili is a low acidic food, it can be safely canned by simply using the water bath method. Whether you prefer yours with or without beans, spicy or mild, meaty or vegetarian there are a lot of great chili canning recipes available.
  1. Adding beer to your chili can make it more complex. ...
  2. Mix in cocoa for a deeper flavor. ...
  3. Fresh, chopped ingredients are excellent chili toppings. ...
  4. You can also top your meal with cooked bacon. ...
  5. Roast and mix in some chiles. ...
  6. Common spices and pantry staples can also upgrade your meal.
Place 6 clean 500 ml or 3 clean 1 L mason jars on rack in pressure canner; add water and heat jars to a simmer (180°F/82°C). Set screw bands aside. Keep jars hot until ready to use. Ladle chili into a hot jar to within 1 inch (2.5 cm) of top rim (headspace).
You'll want to keep several cans of HORMEL® Chili No Beans on hand in the pantry because that same excitement can be poured on fries, chips, in the bowl—anything! Open up a can of HORMEL® Chili and Pour On!
What Cannot be Canned in Waterbath? Any low-acid foods cannot safely be canned. Things included as low acid are items such as meat, potatoes, pumpkin, and green beans.
Posted in category Cooking Videos

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