Balance it dog food recipes: 59 photos

Balanced Dog Food Recipe


Balanced Dog Food Recipe
  1. 7 lbs 90% lean ground beef or lean ground turkey or chicken.
  2. 1.5 cup hempseeds or 1/3 cup hempseed oil.
  3. 16 oz canned sardines in water or 4 tsp cod liver oil.
  4. 4 tsp ground ginger.
  5. 4 tsp kelp powder.
  6. 8 eggs pasture raised.
  7. 4 egg shells.
  8. 15 oz pumpkin puree NOT pumpkin pie mix!
The general rule of thumb for a home-made diet for a healthy canine patient is 75% meat/15%vegetables/10% carbohydrate. Variety is the key to a healthy diet so be sure to vary your meat, carbohydrate and vegetable sources from time to time.
Creating a Balanced Dog Diet. Your dog needs protein (chicken, beef, lamb, duck, etc.), fat from meat or oil, carbohydrates like grains and vegetables, and essential fatty acids, often from plant based oil, oatmeal, and/or eggs. Eggshells provide a good amount of calcium, along with other dairy products.
Your pet needs protein (animal meat, seafood, dairy, or eggs), fat (from meat or oil) and carbohydrates (grains or vegetables). They also need calcium (from dairy or an ingredient such as egg shells), and essential fatty acids (from certain plant oils, egg yolks, oatmeal, and other foods).
There is a wide variety of unhealthy and unsafe foods to avoid when preparing meals for your dog. Potentially toxic ingredients are of special concern, including chocolate, xylitol, avocado, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, and macadamia nuts.

Complete & Balanced Dog Food Recipe (AAFCO) for Dogs with Sensitive Stomach

Welcome to Master Bowies Kitchen. My name is Riesa, canine nutritionist (CASI) and raw dog food nutrition specialist (DNM Pro),...

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