Baked potato with vegetables recipe: 59 photos
Italian Oven Roasted Vegetables
In addition to carbohydrates — a needed energy source for your body and brain — potatoes contain a wealth of micronutrients. They're a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. As a bonus, potatoes are low in calories, contain no fat or cholesterol, and are sodium-free.
NEVER BAKE POTATOES IN FOIL.. Foil wraps will not decrease baking time, but will result in a soggy potato interior with wet skin. Wrapping a baked potato in foil after it has been baked will allow you to hold up to 45 minutes, but the best method for holding a baked potato is in a bread warming drawer.
Sans the foil, chefs typically coat the outside of the potatoes with some olive oil. As briefly mentioned, drizzling the well-seasoned outer shell with olive oil creates an even crispier outside that compliments the extra fluffy inside of the potato.
There can be benefits of eating a potato everyday. According to health experts, it could lower your blood pressure, as long as you aren't deep frying it or topping or pairing it with foods high in saturated fat. The fiber and potassium in potatoes are good for heart health.