Baked califlower recipe: 59 photos

Oven Roasted Cauliflower Recipe


If you're planning to roast the cauliflower whole or slice it into steaks, slice off the thick stem at the base. Drop the whole cauliflower head upside-down into cool, salted water. Let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes to remove dirt, residue and bugs.
When it comes to nutrition, cauliflower is a superstar. It's high in vitamins C and K, and is also a good source of folate, which supports cell growth and is essential during pregnancy. Cauliflower is fat-free and cholesterol-free. And it's low in sodium.
It's easy to cook, which gives it a creamier, nuttier taste that takes on the flavor of whatever you use as seasoning. How you cook cauliflower matters. You can keep more of its nutrients if you steam, roast, or stir-fry it.
Crowding the Baking Sheet. Cauliflower has a very high water content, so it won't get crispy if you bake the florets crowded together. Be sure to give each floret a bit of room so that the they have space for airflow.
Food Stylist: Barrett Washburne. For surprisingly flavorful and creamy mashed cauliflower, cook your florets not in water but in a gently simmering pot of milk seasoned with garlic and thyme. When the cauliflower is mashed (or blended), the pectin in the cauliflower will thicken and smooth the mash.
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