Baked baby carrots recipe: 60 photos

Oven Roasted Baby Carrots Recipe - Its good and easy

Ill show you how to cook baby carrots in the oven. This is an oven roasted carrots recipe that is very easy to make. *Casual...

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Youtube - @Casual Cooking


Baby carrots in a 100-gram serving contain 35 calories. These carrots are equally high in essential nutrients as regular, mature carrots, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and more. Carrots cooked without salt, in a 100-gram serving, contain: 35 calories.
Baby carrots are just pieces of a fully-grown, regular adult carrot, cut into two-inch fragments by a machine. Once cut up, another machine rounds off the edges, so that the carrots end up looking like the ones you buy at the grocery store. The shredded leftovers usually end up in cattle feed.
The sources all agree that carrots labeled as “baby cut” are small, shaped pieces of adult carrots, and that a step in their processing is an antimicrobial rinse in water containing chlorine at levels similar to the amount in U.S. tap water, which are not considered harmful.
Directions. Place carrots in a large pot and cover with salted water. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook until carrots are tender, about 15 minutes. Remove from the stove and drain carrots in a strainer.
Summary. Baby carrots are low in calories and fat while also being higher in dietary fiber. Eat just one serving a day (5 to 6 baby carrots) and you'll also give your body a healthy dose of vitamin A, vitamin K, and other nutrients.
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