Baileys whipped cream recipe: 60 photos

How to Make : Baileys Whipped Cream

Instructions for how to make boozy whipped cream, super easy and quick! Great for St. Patricks Day!...

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Youtube - @BottlesProvidence


It is a blend of Irish whiskey, spirits, and cream along with chocolate and vanilla flavors.
Making alcoholic whipped cream is no more difficult than making whipped cream any other way (read: really super easy). You just need a dash of any flavorful spirit or liqueur to instantly infuse that cloud-like garnish with flavor that will complement the pie in question.
The beauty of Baileys is that there are lots of ways to mix it up when you want to treat yourself. It goes well with hot drinks, like coffee, hot chocolate, and even earl grey tea. You can mix Baileys with cold drinks, working wonders mixed with cocktails like an espresso martini or a white Russian.
Double cream is the thickest with around 48% fat content. It makes an ideal pouring cream, such as when serving with fruit, or it can be whipped and piped for decorating desserts. It can also be used to add richness and creaminess to savoury dishes.
It has a declared alcohol content of 17% by volume.
Posted in category Cooking Videos

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